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AED's and Defibrillators
Airway Management
Alcohol Testers
Assisted Living
Autoclaves & Sterilizers
Blood Pressure Meters
Clothing and Uniforms
Emergency and Trauma
Examination/Procedure Lights
Fetal Monitoring
Fire Extinguishers
First Aid Kits
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IV Products
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AED's and Defibrillators
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Assisted Living, Monitoring & Diagnostic Equipment ~ Emergency & First Aid ~ Medical Consumables & Disposables
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0.5ml Syringe with 29G fixed Needle
100% Silicone Foley Catheter
10L Oxygen Concentrator with nebulizer function
10ml Syringes
1ml Syringe with Needle
200Kg Digital Scale
200ml Sharps Container
20ml Syringe
2L Oxygen Cylinder
2ml Syringes
3 Fold Screen
3 Way Stop Cock
300Kg Digital Scale with Height measure and BMI
3cp / 333 Liquid Disinfectant 100ml
3cp / 333 Throat And Tooth Spray 30ml
3M Micropore 12mm x 10m
3M Micropore 48mm x 10m
3M Micropore 72mm x 10m
3M Skintone Micropore
3M Tegaderm 1622W 44mm x 44mm Transparent Film Dressing (Singles)
3ml Luer Slip Syringes
4 Fold Plastic Spine Board
5 Blade fibre optic laryngoscope Set
50ml Syringe
5L Oxygen Concentrator
8 Trek Drawing Ointment
8-trek Drawing Ointment 25g
Absorbent Granuals
Accu-Chek Active Glucometer
Accu-Chek Instant Glucometer
Accu-Chek Instant Test Strips
Accu-Chek Soft Clix Lancets
Accutrend Plus Cholestrol Meter
Accutrend Plus Cholestrol Strips
Accutrend Triglyceride Test Strips
Activated Charcoal
Advanced Life Support Jump Bag
AED 7000 AED Pads
AED BAttery for CU ER 1 or 2
AED Battery NF1200
AED Cabinet
AED Pads
AED Pads Paediatric
AED Trainer
AED Trainer Pads for XFT AED Trainers
AED7000 AED Battery
AED7000 Public Access defibrillator
Air Splint Set
Airmune 10 Effervescent Tablets
Airnext Spirometer
Airway Management
Alcohol Breath Tester
Alcohol Prep Swabs
Alcohol Swabs
Alcohol Testers
Alcohol Wipes (Individually Wrapped) 190mm x 120mm (Singles)
Allevyn Adhesive Foam Dressing
Allocated To Or Accessible To Wheelchair safety sign
Alpha Eucalyptus Oil 20ml
Alpha Friars Balsam 20ml
Aluminium Finger Splints
Always Maxi Extra Long Sanitary Pads 16
Ambu Military Perfit Cervical Collar
Ambulance Stretcher
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Meter
Anabel Alcohol Free Hypoallergenic Wipes
Anchor Plaster
Aneriod Single Handed with ABS Gauge
Ankle Supports
Anti-Fog Safety Goggles
Anytime First Aid Kit
Armour Safety Shoe
Arnica Ice Cooling Gel 100ml
Arnica Oil
Askir 20 Surgical Suction Unit (Mains Only)
Askir 230 12V Battery & Mains Suction Unit
Askir 30 Suction Unit
Askir 30 Surgical Suction Unit (12V) No Battery Backup
Askir 36BR Portable Suction Unit (with Rechargeable Battery)
Askir C20 Mobile Suction Unit
Askir Surigcal Aspiret 18L/Min (Mains Only)
Assorted Washproof Plaster Strips (100/Box)
AT 62 Alcohol tester
AT6880 Alcohol Tester
Austell Paracetamol Tablets
B Braum Surface Disinfectant
B Braun Alcohol Hand Gel
B Braun Bioscrub
B Braun Biotaine
B Braun Hand Soap With Tea Tree 500ml
B Braun Omnifix 50ml Luer Lock (Singles)
B Braun Povidone Iodine Sol Skin & Wound Disinfectant 500ml
B. Braun Infusomat Space Volumetric Infusion Pump
B. Braun Introcan Safety FEP Straight IV Catheter
Babinsky Stainless Steel Patella hammer
Backpack Grabber Bag
Band Aid Clear Plaster Strips
Band Aid Tough Strips
Bandages and Plasters
Barron Crusader Safety Shoe
Barron Occupational Shoe
Basic First Aid Kit
Basic Life Support Jump Bag
Basic Vehicle First Aid Kit
Basic Wheelchair
Basket Stretcher
Baterial Viral Filters
Bathroom Scale
Bayer Asprin 300mg (30/Box)
Bayer Contour Plus Glucose Test Strips
Bayer Contour TS Glucose Test Strips
Bed Screen
BENYLIN® Wet Cough Mucus Relief 100ml
Betadine Antiseptic Solution 250ml
Betadine First Aid Cream 15g
Betadine Ointment
Beurer BM28 Blood pressure meter
Beurer BM96 Blood Pressure Meter with ECG
Beurer PO 40 pulse oximeter
Beurer PO 60 Pulse Oximeter with Bluetooth
Bio-Hazard Box Sealing Tape
Bio-Hazard Boxes
Bio-Hazard Labels
Black and Yellow Barrier Tape
black friday
Black Nitrile Examination Gloves
Blood Group test
Blood Lancets
Blood Pressure Cuffs
Blood pressure meter
Blood pressure meter cuffs
Blood Spill Kit
Blue Nitrile Examination Gloves
Blue Vinyl Gloves
Blue Visually detectable Plasters
Blue Vitrile Examination gloves
BMI Circumference Tape
Bodac Seal
Body Bag Washable and reuseable
Body Bags
Bougie Intubation Stylette
BP Cuff for Contec ABPM50
BP Meter
BP Meter Coiled Tubing
Brass Tail Piece
Braun D-Germ 5L
Breakdown Kit
Breathing Apparatus safety sign
Brimmed Hat
Bulb Syringe
Bullnose regulator
Burette Set
Burn Care
Burn Gel
Burn Kit
Burn Shield Multi Pack
Burn Spray
Burns Dressing
Burns Dressing 20cm x 20cm
Burns Dressing 60cm x 40cm
Burns Spray
Burnshield Burn Bott
Burnshield Cater Kit
Burnshield Digit Dressing 25mm x 500mm (1″x20″)
Burnshield Dressing 600mm x 400mm (24″x16″)
Burnshield Limb Dressing 50mm x 1m (2″x40″)
Butterfly Needles
Calamine Lotion 100ml
Calamine Ointment 500g Tub
CAMI 15W UV Sterilizer
CAMI Nebulizer Filter
Cami Nebulizer Replacement Mask
Cardiology Stethoscope
Carpus Wrist Brace - Medac
Catheter Mount
Cautery Pen
Cellular Blanket
Celox A-Applicator 6g
Celox Non-Vented Foxseal
Celox Rapid Gauze - Z-Fold
Cetrimide Cream
Cetrimide Solution
Chair Scale
Cheetah-1 Alcohol Tester
Chelsea Boot
Chest Wound Seal
Child Blood Pressure Meters
Child classic type stethoscope
Child Dual Head Budget Stethoscope
Child pulse oximeter
Cipla Dermadine Oral Antiseptic Gargle And Mouthwash 200ml
Citro-Soda 4g
Claire Splint
Classic Type Stethoscope
Clinell Antibacterial Hand Wipes
Clinell Universal wipes
Clininell Universal Disinfectant Spray
ClucoCheck Evolve
COD LED Headlight T11
Cohesive Bandage
Cohesive Bandage 25mm
Collapsable Road Cone
Collar & Cuff
Combat Pants
Comen CTG Paper
Comen Star 5000E Fetal & Maternal Monitor (Single)
Comen Star 5000E Fetal & Maternal Monitor (Twins)
Commode with Removable Arm and Foot rests
Commode with Wheels
Conforming Bandages
Contec 10 Button ECG Cable
Contec Blood Pressure Meters
Contec CA10M Capnograph
Contec Classic Type Dual Heal Stethoscope Adult (Black)
Contec CMS08 Blood Pressure Cuff
Contec CMS08A Blood Pressure Meter
Contec CMS08A Plus Blood Pressure Meter
Contec CMS08E Digital Blood Pressure Meter
Contec CMS50D
Contec CMS50E Pulse Oximeter
Contec CMS5100 Patient Monitor
Contec CMS6000 with ETC02
Contec CMS800G Fetal Doppler
Contec ECG Machine
Contec ECG300 ECG Paper
Contec OC5B 5L Oxygen Concentrator with Neb Function and SPO2
Contec Pulse oximeter
Contec SC11 Budget Single Head Nurses Stethoscope
Contec SC12 Single Head Professional Cardiology Stethoscope
Contec SC21 Budget Dual Head Doctors Stethoscope
Contec SP750 Infusion Pump
Contec TP100 Predictive Thermometer
Contec TP500 Infrared Non-Contact Thermometer
Contec Video Laryngoscope
Contract Long Sleeve Reflective Vest
Cosmopor® E Non-Woven Island Dressing
Cotton Ear Buds
Cotton Ice Bag
Cotton Wool
Cotton Wool Balls
CPR Compression Board
CPR Mouth Piece
CPR mouth Piece in Hard plastic case with keyring
CPR Pocket Masks
CPR Pouch
CPR Training Manikins
Crepe bandages
Criti Care Drug Test - Cup 6 Panel - Blue Lid
Criti-Care PhysioPac
Criti-Care Strap Pac
Criti-Strap Arm
Criti-Strap Leg
CritiBand MkII Trauma Bandage
Criticare gearpac
Criticare PhysioPAC
Criticare Rotation Compression Tourniquet
CritiCare® 14G Chest Decompression Needle
CritiCare® AiroPAC Airway Management Bag
CritiCare® AmpPAC Micro Drug Bag
CritiCare® RescuPAC EMS Jump Bag
CritiCare® SportsPAC Cooler Bag
Critijet Insufflation device
Critipack Needle Cricothyroidotomy Pack
Critipack Needle Surgical Airway Pack
Critipack Surgical Cricothyroidotomy Kit
Crutch ferrule
CU SP2 AED Battery
CU-Sp1 AED Trainer
cupid 3 baby scale
Cuticell Classic Paraffin Gauze
Cuticell Paraffin Gauze 10mm x 7m
Cuticura Antiseptic Ointment
Cuticura Ointement 10g
D-Germ 100ml with mist spray
D-Germ Antiseptic Hand Sanitizer
D-Germ Wall Bracket
Deep Freeze
Deep Freeze Arnica Ice Massage Gel
Deep Freeze Massage Roll on Gel 50ml
Deep Freeze Pain Relief Patch (Singles)
Deep Freeze Spray
Deep Heat Arnica Oil 60g
Deep heat rub
Deep Heat Rub 35g
Deep Heat Rub 75g
Deep Heat Spray
Deep Heat Spray 150ml
Deep Relief Gel 50g
Defender Safety Boots
Dental Needles
Dermaplast Elastic Textile Plasters
Dermaplast Kids Plasters
DermaPlast®Water Resistant Plasters (40/Box)
Dettol Antiseptic Solution
Diagonal Green Arrow safety sign
Dial Scale
Dial Type Baby Scale
Digital Baby Clinic Scale – MS3500
Digital Baby Scale
Digital Bathroom Scale 150Kg
Digital Infra Red Thermometer
Digital Scale
Digital Thermometer
Disposable Bed Linen
Disposable Bed Sheet
Disposable Examination Couch Covers
Disposable Laminated Ambulance Fitted Sheet
Disposable Laminated Pillow Case
Disposable Peak Flow Meter Mouth Pieces
Disposable Pillow Case
Disprin 300mg (24/Box)
Dissecting Forceps 16cm Plain
Dissecting Kit
DM-3000 Digital & Mercury Blood Pressure meter
DM7000 Cardiac Monitor Defibrillator
Double Bed Step
Double Head Deluxe SF411 Stethoscope
Dr Lee 6 in 1 Saliva Rapid Drug Test
Dr Lee Heat Therapy Pad
Dr Lee Pain Relief Spray
Dr Plaster Assorted Fabric Plasters
Dr Plaster Wound dressing strips
Dr. Lee Anti-Inflammatory Pain Relief Spray 100ml
Dressing Forceps 14cm
Dressing Tray
Dressing Trolley
Drinking Water safety sign
Drug test cup - 6 panel
Dual Head Budget Stethoscope
Dual Head teaching stethoscope
Duracell CR 2032 Batteries
ECG Holster Sysytem
Elastic Adhesive Plaster roll
Elastic Adhesive Plaster roll 25mm
Elastic Adhesive Plaster Roll 50mm
Elastic Adhesive Plaster Roll 75mm
Elastoplast Antiseptic Wound Spray 50ml
Elastoplast Aqua Protect Plasters
Elastoplast Clear Plasters 20`s
Elastoplast Dressing Strips
Elastoplast Elastic Fabric Roll plaster
Elastoplast Hand Mix Pack
Elastoplast Kids Plasters
Elastoplast Knee & Elbow
Elastoplast Plasters
elastoplast wound healing ointment
Elbow Crutches
Elbow Support
Embroidered Paramedic Badge
Embroidered Qualification Badges
Embroidered South African Flag Badge
Emergency Assembly Point safety sign
Emergency Breakdown Kit
Emergency Eye Wash Kit
Emergency Response Bag
Emergency Road Side Kit
Emergency Telephone safety sign
Emergency Trolley
EMIVAC Foot Operated Portable Suction Unit
Empty Metal First Aid Box
EMS Holster Pouch Set
EMS Holstr Pouch
Endotracheal tube holder
Endotracheal Tubes
Energizer AA Batteries
Energizer AAA Batteries
Energizer C Cell Batteries
Eno Fruit Salts
Entonox Demand Valve
Epipen Trainer
ET Tube Introducer
EVA Splint
Evacuation Chair
Evacuation Stair Chair - 600H
Examination Couch
Examination couch fitted sheet
Examination Gloves
Examination Lamp
Extention Set Low Volume 110cm
Extra Wide Wheelchair
Extrication Device
Eye Care
Eye Gene 5ml
Eye pad with Bandage
Eye Shield
Eye Wash Bottle
Eye wash station
Eye-Wash safety sign
Fabric Plaster Roll
Fabric Plaster Strips
Face Mask with Star of Life
Factory First Aid Kit
Fetal Doppler
Fetal Monitoring
Fetal Stethoscope
Feverscan Single Use Thermometer
Fibre Optic Diagnostic Set
Fibre Optic Laryngoscope Blades
Finger Cots
Finger Cotts
Finger Dressing
Finger Splints
Firbre Optic Laryngoscope Set
Fire Alarm safety sign
Fire Blanket
Fire Blanket - 1.8m x 1.8m
Fire Blanket 1.2m x 1.8m
Fire Bucket
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Extinguisher safety sign
Fire Hose Reel safety sign
Fire Hydrant safety sign
Fire Marshal
Fire Marshal safety sign
Fire Pump Connection safety sign
Fire Trolley safety sign
First Aid - ( Left ) safety sign
First Aid - ( Right ) safety sign
First Aid Bag only
First Aid Box Empty White
First aid box is controlled by safety sign
First aid box is kept and controlled by safety sign
First Aid Dressing
First Aid Kit
First Aid kit for a boat
First aid kit for boats
First Aid Kit refill
First Aid Kits
First Aid Scissors
First Aider Peak Cap
First Responder Kit
First-Aid Equipment safety sign
Flannel Strips
Flash Aero Protective Helmet
Flugon 50 Capsules
Flugon Fizzy
Flutter Valve (Occlusive Dressing)
Foldable Plastic Spine Board
Foley Catheter
Foot Operated Hand Sanitizer Stand
Foot Suction
Fridge Thermometer with Alarm Function
Fridge Thermometer without Alarm Function
Gallipot – Stainless steel
Gauze Compress 100mm x 100mm - Non Woven 4ply Non Sterile
Gauze Compress 50mm x 50mm - Non Woven 4ply Non Sterile
Gauze Compress 75mm x 75mm - Non Woven 4ply Non Sterile
Gauze Rolls
Gauze Swabs
Gauze Swabs Non-Sterile
Gaviscon Liquid 10ml Sachet
Gaviscon Liquid 150ml
Gents Toilet safety sign
Germoline Ointment 50g
Gift Voucher
Gillies Dissecting Forceps 15cm
Glucocheck Glucose Test Strips (50/Vial)
Glucometer Battery
Glucose Powder
GM-200 Portable Suction Unit
Government Regulation 3 first aid kit refill
Government Regulation First Aid Kit
Grabber Bag
Grabber Bag Inner Pouches Only
Green Interlocking Splints
Green Mop Caps
Grey Blanket
Guedel Airway Box Set
Guedel Airway Set in Pouch
Guedel Airways
Gum Elastic Bougie
Gun Shot/Stab Wound Kit
Hair nets safety sign
Hand Held Emergency Alarm safety sign
Hand held suction unit
Hand Sanitaizer
Hand Sanitizer
Hartmann Eycopad® Eye Pads Non-Sterile Oval 10mm Thick
Head Blocks
Head Protection Shall Be Worn safety sign
Health and Safety Rep Safety sign
Healthease Digital Blood Pressure Monitor - Wrist Type
Healthease MiDrop Glucometer
Healthease MiDrop Glucometer Glucose Test Strips
Healthease Multi-Use Thermometer
Heavy Duty Scale
Height Measure
Hemoscan HB Meter Test Strips
Hemostatic Mosquito Forceps 12.5cm
Herbal Ice Man Cooling Gel With Arnica 25g Sachet (Singles)
Herbal Ice Man Cooling Gel With Arnica 500g
Hercules Gentian Violet 20ml
Hi-Care Island (Non-Woven) Dressing with Non-Adherent Pad
Hi-Care Rapport Replacement Spares Kit
High Risk Safety Gloves
HIV Rapid Test Kit
Humidifier Bottles
Hydrocoll® (Similar to Granuflex) Hydrocolloid Dressing 10cm x 10cm (Singles)
Hydrocoll® (Similar to Granuflex) Hydrocolloid Dressing 15cm x 15cm (Singles)
Hydrocoll® Thin (Similar to Granuflex) Hydrocolloid Dressing 10cm x 10cm (Singles)
Hydrofilm® Plus Transparent Film Dressing with Absorbent Pad
Hydrofilm® Transparent Film Dressing 10cm x 10m Roll
Hydrofilm® Transparent Film Dressing 5cm x 10m Roll
Hypodermic Needles (100/Box)
Hypodermic Syringe
i-gel® supraglottic airway
I-View Video Laryngoscope
ID Card Holders
Identity Bands
ILS and ALS Drug Bag
Immobilizing Arm Sling
Incubator Head Box
Infant Dual Head Stethoscope
Infra Red Thermometer
Infusion Pump
Infusion Pump GM-820
Infusion Warmer
Intellisense Blood Pressure Meter
InterForm Intubating Stylet
InterGuide tracheal tube introducer Bougie
Intermediate life support jump bag
Intraoseous Needles
Intraosseous Vascular Access Pack
Intubation Kit
Iris Scissors 11.5cm straight
iv Admin Set
IV Cannula
IV Pouch
IV Products
IV Splints
Jelco IV Cannula
Jet Neb
Judd Allis Intestinal Clamp 20cm
Keep Area Clean safety sign
Keyring First Aid Kit
Kidney Dish Stainless Steel
Kinesiology Tape
Knee Guards
Knee Support
Knee Support MX Universal
Knitted beanie with star of life
Kramer Wire Splints
KY Jelly
KY-8300 Blood Alcohol Tester
KY-8600 Alcohol Tester
Lab Doctor's Coat
Ladies Toilet safety sign
Large Eye Wash Station
Large Motorist First Aid Kit
Laryngoscope Set
Learning Material
Leatherman Raptor
Leatherman Raptor Holster
LED Examination Lamp
LED Laryngoscope Set
LedLenser H15R Core Rechargeable Headlamp
LedLenser H5R Work Rechargeable Headlamp
LedLenser MH3 Work Headlamp
Leg Traction Splint
Leikonband S
Lennon Behoedmiddel
Lennon Borsdrupples
Lennon Entressdruppels Medication 20ml
Lennon Lewensessens
Lennon Peppermint Drupples
Lennon Staaldrupples
Lennon Versterkdrupples 20ml
Leukoband 25mm plaster roll
Leukomed T Transparent Post Op Dressing
Leukoplast Kids Plasters
Leukoplast Sleek 25mmx3m Waterproof
Leukoplast Strong 38mm x 38mm Boil Plaster
Leukoplast Strong Assorted Tan 20
Leukoplast® Aqua Pro (20/Box)
Leukoplast® Wet Wipe
Leukosan Strips
Linen Savers
Littman Cardiology Stethoscope
Littman Classic Stethoscope
Littman Lightweight Stethoscope
Littman Master Cardiology Stethoscope
Littmann Classic iii Spares Kit
Location Of Fire Blanket safety sign
Loud & Clear Signalling
Lubricating Jelly
Magill's intubation forceps
Magills Intubation Forceps
Malaria (P.f/P.v) Rapid Test Kit
Male Urinal
Manned First Aid Station safety
Map and document bags
Maternity Pack
Maxi First Aid Kit
MD300M Pulse Oximeter
Medac Arm Sling
Medac Re-Useable Ice Hot/Cold Pack
Medac Universal Ankle Brace
Medical Waste
Medisure Sachets
Melolin Burns Dressing 10cm x 10cm
Microporous Paper Tape
MiDrop Blood Lancets (50/Box)
Mindray Beneheart C1A AED
Mine Regulation First Aid Kit
Mini First Aid Kit
Mission Cholestrol Tester
Mission HB Meter
Mission Ultra Cholestrol Test Strips
Mission Uninalysis Strips
Mission Urine Analysis Test Strips
Mobile Aneroid Blood Pressure meter
Mother and Baby Scale
MS-3200 Scale
Multi Trauma Kit
Multi Trauma Pads
Multi Vent Venturi Masks
MVA Jacket
Nasal Cannula
Nasogastric Feeding Tubes
Nasophyrangeal Airway
Nebu Mist Nebulizer
Nebulizer Mask
Nebulizer Masks
Nebumist Nano Ultrasonic Nebulizer
Needle Cricothyroidotomy
Needle Holder
Needless IV Administration set
Neo Intraosseous Device
Neon Plaster Strips
Neonatal Resuscitor
Nesco Cholesterol
Nesco Glucose Test Strips
Nesco Multimeter
Nexcare Duo Knee & Elbow Plasters (5/Box)
Nexcare Knee & Elbow Plasters
Nitrile Examination Gloves
Nitrile Gloves
Non-Contact Forehead Infrared Thermometer RT-3306
Nurses Pouch
Nurses Watch Battery
Oesophageal Device
On Call Plus Glucometer
On the Go Pack - Bleeding
On the Go Pack - CPR
On the Go Pack - Eye Care
On the Go Pack - Injuries
On the Go Pack - Travel
On the Go Pack - Wounds
One way valves
Operating Scissors 13cm Sharp Blunt
Operating Scissors Sharp Sharp 14cm
optilube sterile lubricating jelly 42g
Orange Flag with reflective Cross
Orthopaedic Padding
Ovulation Test
Ovulation Test Strips
Oxygen Cylinder
Oxygen Cylinder Bag Only
Oxygen Cylinder Only
Oxygen Cylinder Stand
Oxygen Tail Piece Plastic
Oxygen Tubing
Paediatric Laryngoscope Set
Pain Relief Cream 60g
Pain Relief Patches 2 Pack
Painblok Syrup 100ml
Palm and Wrist Support
Panado Syrup 50ml
Panado Tablets
Panado® Capsules 20's
Panamor Gel 30g
Paper Tape
Paraffin Gauze
Paramedic Jump Bags
Paramedic Jump Suits
Paramedic Uniforms
Patella Hammer
Patient Monitor Bag
Patient monitor JR2000D with ETCO2
Patient Monitors
Patient valve extension adapter
Pawper Tape with Flipper Card
PC-60F Finger tip Pulse Oximeter
Peak Caps
Peep valve diverter
Peep Valves
Peha-haft® Latex Free Cohesive Bandage
Pelvic Grip Binders
Perforated Spunlace Cleaning Wipes
Pharmacy Refrigerator 56L
Pharmacy Scale
Pill Box
Pillow Protector
Pilot Shirt
Pin Index Regulator
Pinard Fetal Stethoscope
Plain Blood lancets
Plain Oxygen Masks
Plaster of Paris Bandage
Plaster Wound Dressing Strips Almost invisible
Plasterman Clear Waterproof plasters
Plastic Aprons
Plastic Foldable Spine Board
Plastic Kidney Dish
Plastic Overshoes
Plastic Scoop Stretcher
Plastic Spine Board Full Length
Plastic Tweezer
Port a vac
power supply
Practi Family CPR Manikin
Practi-MAN Plus CPR Manikin with Compression Feedback monitor
Practi-Man Practi Baby
Practiman CPR Manikin
Pregnancy test strips
Prep Razors
Pressure Activated Blood Lancets
Pressure Infusion Cuff
prestan CPR Manikins
Prestan Professional Adult Series 2000 Manikin
Primapore Dressing 15cm x 8cm
Primapore Dressing 20cm x 10cm
Primapore Dressing 25cm x 10cm
Primapore Dressing 35cm x 10cm
Primapore Dressing 6cm x 8.3cm
Professional Vein Finder QV-500
Progetti Rescue 7 Defibrillator
Progetti Rescue Life 9 Defibrillator
Prontosan Wound Gel 30ml
Prontosan Wound Irrigation Solution 350ml
Prontosan® Wound Gel X 50ml
Prontosan® Wound Spray 75ml
Protection Sheet
Pulse Oximeter
Pupil Torch
PVP Ointment
Qualification Badges
Quick release tourniquet
QX Cold Sterilant 1L
Rail Mounted Suction
Rain Suit
Rappaport Stethoscope
Re-Breather Bags
Rechargeable LED Torch
Red Arrow - Location of Fire Fighting equipment safety sign
Red Cable Ties
Red Medical Waste Bags
Reflective Jacket Shall Be Worn safety sign
Refresh Opthalmic Ointment
Refuge Chamber safety sign
Rehidrate Sachets
Rennie Antacid Tablets
Reparil Ice Spray 200ml
Reparil Ice Wrap 1 Meter
Replacement Accessories for Ca-Mi Askir Surgical Suction Units
Replacement Aneroid Gauge
Replacement Lungs for Prestan Manikins
Replacement lungs for the Practi-Baby Infant CPR Manikin.
Rescue Scissors 16cm
Rescue/Space Blanket
Resevoir Bags
Restsurant First Aid Kit
Rightsign Multi-Test Drug 12 Panel (Singles)
Rightsign Multi-Test Drug 6 Panel Cup (Singles)
Road Cones
Rossmax Blood Pressure Meters
Rossmax GB Pocket Aneroid with Stethoscope Combined
Rossmax HA500 Non-Contact Temple Thermometer
Rossmax Peak Flow Meter
Rossmax Power adapter
Rossmax Qutie
Rossmax SB200 Pulse Oximeter Artery Checker
Rossmax X1 Blood Pressure Meter
Rossmax X9 Blood Pressure Meter
Rothco cut and flame resistant tactical gloves
Rothco EMT Belt Cutter tool
Rothco Flight Suit
Rothco Kids Reusable 3-Layer Face Mask Black/One Size
Rothco Molle Pouch with 950ml Sharps Container
Rothco Multi-Use Neck Gaiter and Face Covering Tactical Wrap Black/One Size
Rothco Tactical Backpack
Running Man (Left) safety sign
Running Man (Right) safety sign
Ryles Tubes
SA Flag Lapel Pin
Safe & Loud Signaling Alarm Cabinet
Safety Lancets
Safety Pins
Safety Shoes
Safety Shower safety sign
Saline Pour
Saline Solution 200ml
SAM Splint
SAMU Maternity Pads Non Woven Maxi 11 cm x 35 cm - 56/Pack
Sanilube Lubricating Jelly 2.5g
SaniSoap Liquid hand soap
Sanitary Pads
Saver One - Smarty Saver
Saver One AED
saver one aed battery
saver one rechargeable battery charger
Savlon 500ml Antiseptic Liquid
Savlon Liquid 2L
Scalpel Blades
Scalpel Handles
Scissors and Tweezers
Scoop Stretcher
Scotchcast Plus White 50mmX3.6m
Screen Print
Screen Printed Name
Scrub Tops
Security Seals
Self Loading Ambulance Stretcher
Semi Disposable Laryngoscope Set
Septadine Garge 200ml
Shark Attack First Aid kit
Sharps Container Pouch
Sharps containers
SHE REP Peak Cap
Silicone Resuscitors
Single Bed Step
Single Fold stretcher with wheels
Single Head Professional Stethoscope
SKED type Rescue Stretcher
Skin Staple Remover
Skin Stapler
Sliding Weight Scale
Snellen Chart
Soflax Sennoside 20 Tablets
Soft Cervical collars
Solace SPF30 Tube 10ml
Solas Laryngeal Mask Airway
Spencer Ligature Scissors 13cm
Spinal Immobilization Kit
Spinal Needles Standard
SPO2 Probe
SPO2 Probe for Contec Patient Monitors
Sprinkler Stop Valve safety sign
Stairs Going Down (Left) safety sign
Stairs Going Up (Left) safety sign
Stairs Going Up (Right) safety sign
Standard Laryngoscope Blades
Standard Laryngoscope Bulbs
Standard Laryngoscope Handle
Standard Pillow
Standard Pillowcase
Standard Single Bed Sheet
Star of Life
Star of Life Lapel Pin (Metal) Blue
Star of Life Paramedic T-Shirt
Steri Strips
Sterile Surgical Gloves
Sterilization Aseptor Bags
Sterilizing Drums – Stainless steel
Stiff Neck Collars
Stitch Cutter Long
Stockinette Tubular Bandages - 10m Rolls
Stopwatch Timer
Stretcher Circular straps
Suction Catheters
Suction unit
SunBan SunScreen SPF30 50ml
Super Freeze Gel After Sun 125ml
Superset double swivel catheter mount 22F-22M/15F
Sure Clean
Surgical Airway
Surgical Face Masks
Surgical Skin Marker
Surgical Spirits
Surgical Spirits 500ml
surgical suction unit
Suture Pack
Syringe 10ml Luer Lock (100/Box)
Syringe Distroyer
Syringe Driver
Syringe Pump
Table Top Autoclave
Tablet Bags
Taylor patella hammer
Telephone safety sign
Telfa Dressing Pad
Tensoplast Elastic Adhesive Bandage 100mm x 4.5m
Tensoplast Elastic Adhesive Bandage 50mm x 4.5m
Tensoplast Elastic Adhesive Bandage 75mm x 4.5m
Theatre Cap Fabric
Theatre Caps
Thermometer Probe Covers
Thermoval Rapid Thermometer
Thermoval® Standard Thermometer
Tissue Forceps
Tracheostomy Tape
Training CPR Mouth Pieces
TransAct Medicated Patches (5/Pack)
transparent film dressing
Transparent Tape
Transparent Tape 12mm
Transparent Tape 50mm
Transparent Tape 75mm
Transport Incubator
Trauma Bag
Trauma Pads
Travel Mug
Travelling Way safety sign
Treet-it Antiseptic Cream 50ml
Treet-it Antiseptic Spray 30ml
Tubular Grip Bandage (Per Meter)
Tuning Fork
Twinsaver Disinfectant Wet Wipes 40 Pack
Ultrasound Gel
Ultrasound Unit
Umbilical Cord Scissors
Umbilical Vein Cannulation Pack
Unilateral Leg Traction Splint
Universal Arm Sling
Universal Diagnostic Set
Universal Laryngoscope Set
Universal Otoscope
Urinary Catheterisation Pack
Urine Bag
Urine Bag Stand
Urine Beaker
URIT HB Meter Test Strips
UT100 Pulse Oximeter
UT100C Capnograph
Utility Waistcoat - Yellow/Navy
UV Sterilizer
UV Sterilizer Replacement Bulb
Vacuum Mattress
Vaginal Speculum
Vascular Doppler BV-520
Vaseline 50ml
Vehicle Emergency Kit
Vein Illuminator
Velcro Spider Harness
Ventilator Breathing Circuit (Double) 1.8 (Adult)
Venturi Masks
Venturi Oxygen Masks with tubing and 6 Diluters
Venturi T Piece
Veroval Wrist Mobile Monitor Blood Pressure Meter
Veroval® AC/DC Adaptor
Veroval® Compact Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor
Vial Opener
Vicks Acta Plus Wet/Dry Cough Syrup 100ml
Vicks Vaporub Vaporizing Ointment 100g
Vicks Vaporub Vaporizing Ointment 10g
Vicks Vaporub Vaporizing Ointment 50g
Vinyl Examination Gloves
virata wintergreen gel 500g
Vital Signs Monitors
VivaChek Ino Glucometer
VivaDiag HB Meter (Including 10 Strips)
VivaDiag HB Meter Test Strips (50/Vial)
Voltaren Emulgel 20g
Vomit Bags
Waiting Place safety sign
Wall Mounted Blood Pressure Meter
Warning Triangle
Washproof Plasters
Water Bottle
Water Purification Tablets
Waterproof pillow
Welch Allyn
Welch Allyn 06000-U Replacement Laryngoscope Lamp
Welch Allyn 12851 Pocket Junior Opthalmoscope
Welch Allyn 97250Bi Diagnostic Set
Welch Allyn Braun Pro 6000 Probe Covers
Welch Allyn Disposable Ear Specula (Singles)
Welch Allyn Durashock DS54
Welch Allyn Hillrom Resting Tab Electrodes (100/Pack)
Welch Allyn Penlight Torch
Welch Allyn Pocket Otoscope
Welch Allyn Pocket PLUS LED Otoscope
Welch Allyn Pro BP 2400
Welch Allyn Pro BP 3400
Welch Allyn Replacement Battery
Welch Allyn Replacement LED Lamps
Welch Allyn Set of 4 Ear Specula
Welch Allyn Stethoscopes
Welch Allyn® ProBP™ 2000 Digital Blood Pressure Device
Wheelchair with fixed arm foot rest
Window Punch
Wintergreen Ointment
Wooden Tongue Depressors
Work Boots
Work Wear
Wound simulation kit
XFT120C AED Trainer
XFTD0009 Mini AED Trainer
Yankaur Suction Catheter
Zam-buk Chest Rub 60g
Zinc Oxide Tape
Zip Stretcher
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Waiting Place safety sign
Regular price
R 10.95
Wall Mounted Blood Pressure Meter
Regular price
R 469.95
Wall/Desk Mounted Blood Pressure Meter Combo
Regular price
R 529.95
Warning Triangle
Regular price
R 49.94
Water for Humidification 325ml
Regular price
R 32.95
Water Purification Tablets (50/Pack)
Regular price
R 39.95
Web Belt
Regular price
R 109.95
Welch Allyn 12851 Pocket Junior Opthalmoscope
Regular price
R 2,429.95
Welch Allyn 767 Wall Aneroid
Regular price
R 3,399.95
Welch Allyn 97250-Bi Diagnostic Set
Regular price
R 7,499.95
Welch Allyn Connex® ProBP™ 3400 Digital Blood Pressure Device
Regular price
R 16,199.95
Welch Allyn Disposable Ear Specula (Singles)
Regular price
R 1.96
Welch Allyn Durashock Bronze Line Hand Held Model
Regular price
R 1,649.95
Welch Allyn Halogen Penlight
Regular price
R 1,149.95
Welch Allyn Hillrom Resting Tab Electrodes (100/Pack)
Regular price
R 329.95
Welch Allyn Pocket Junior Diagnostic Set
Regular price
R 4,889.95
Welch Allyn Pocket Junior Otoscope
Regular price
R 1,229.95
Welch Allyn Pocket LED Otoscope
Regular price
R 2,999.95
Welch Allyn ProBP 2400 Digital Blood Pressure Device
Regular price
R 13,829.95
Welch Allyn Professional Adult Stethoscopes
Regular price
R 3,149.95